it's my blog and I'll write what I damn please

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Montreal, Too Quickly (Monday)

My favorite stop and, sadly, I have to make it quick to keep up.

As usual, we are starving when we arrive.

bon jour, un cream of broccoli soup si vous plait

Matthew found a teahouse with wifi, so I camped out there for about two hours. If you got an email from me a few days ago, that's where I was.

(Montreal walk-ups)

Our local helper (awesome poet/organizer Kate Hall), arranged for me to stay with her friend Fiona on the French side of the city, by the old Olympic stadium, built in 1976, which the city is still paying for. All cities really are the same.

In the morning, Fiona and Leroy walked me to the Metro station. We ran into Fiona's neighbor, who told us a lively story in French about Janet Jackson. Apparently she was dancing on the Oprah show. "Oh, that crazy family," she said in English.

On the rush hour green line, I rode seven (or so) stops to Place-des-Arts, and got a two-second look at the contemporary art museum and theater district before I had to hop in a cab to get back to the bus.

le bus, le autobus, ici ici

Travis recapped our border adventures nicely on the pobus blog.

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