it's my blog and I'll write what I damn please

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Why don't we just go ahead and ruin bacon everywhere?

Stupid CAFOizing Americans.

For anyone who doesn't know... I wrote a story about some pigs imported from Austria that were an old-style Eastern European breed, and we are lucky to be able to get them here because they have not been "improved" by American methods of pig production. The story is coming soon, and I noticed that the P-I wrote about them today, too. (No, I won't link to you, P-I. I was there first.)

1 comment:

Editor Jill said...

Plus your story is 1000 times better. And they're supposed to show up first at Met. Markets, on the 16th. (followed by a zillion other places; I can't keep track.)

Kind of funny that a quarterly and a daily are on the same schedule-of-cool-new-things.